Thursday, July 30, 2015



Walking your way out of the dark into a color-filled life, we usually have a desire crying out from within us, our destinies stretches forth its hands towards us, but!! There’s sometimes a but, our minds and activities gains attention to other things which distracts us in our quest for life fulfillment, called “Purpose”.

I hear people say that “life is hard” but in reality life was built with principles and purposes to bring you to an expected end which God has destined for you. Life becomes hard for a man who doesn’t understand principles and loses focus of what he really wants from Life.
An airplane in a dynamic motion needs to have a vision which begins with an imagination of its destination, a well calculated plan for the flight to take place, the potential of the airplane which initiates the law of lift, and purpose of taking people to their destination.
When the airplane is on the Air, it experiences oppositions and even travels in the mist of resistance forces till it gets to its destination which is its destiny in that phase of its life. We pass through phases in life at times which comes with no smiling faces.

Some times on our path to greatness, we find ourselves in a dark corner of a particular phase that we forget who we are, what we have in us and where God has showed us that He will take us to, the craziest situations tries to knock us off into those dark corners, depression tries to cover us in a shell while condemnation stirs up in us to hold us captive.
The enemy knows who you are and also the treasures that God has kept inside of you, so out of his foolishness, he tries to make you feel this way because he knows the great potentials you have inside of you but you have to believe that “Jesus has paid the price for what so ever am passing through right now and it is finished! !” ,you have to speak to yourself and say ”what I am going or have gone through is a testimony that will inspire others to believe in God’s and purposes for their life and I am never ready to give up in His plans for my life!!!”. The devil has been defeated. You are an Overcomer. Everything works for Good, for those who love God and the best way to get out from that dark corner is to look beyond your problems or setbacks, dust your shoulders, take decisions for your life and give no place the devil.
Start exposing yourself to God’s word, commune with God and take action on what He tells you to do.Live your life with passion and walk your way out. The future has more for you than the past.

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