Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Say no to excuses

When it comes to excuses, the world is full of great inventors. Don’t spend half your life telling what you are going to do and the other half explaining why you didn’t do it. An alibi is the proof that you did do what you  didn’t do, so that others will think you didn’t do what you did.
Mistakes have hidden powers to help us, but they fail in their mission of helping us when we blame them on other people. When you use excuses, you give up your power to change and improve. So, never mind whom you praise but be careful of whom you blame. You can fall down many times, but you wont be a failure until you say that someone else pushed you.

Failures are experts at making excuses. There are always enough excuses available if you are weak enough to use them. The world simply does not have enough crutches for all the lame excuses. Its always easier to find excuses instead of time for the things we don’t want to do.
So, find a way, not an excuse. When you make a mistake and then make an excuse for it, you have made two mistakes. Never complain and never explain. Admitting errors clears the scores and proves you wiser than before. Doing a job right is always easier than fabricating an alibi for why you didn’t. you waste time and creative energies thinking up excuses.
An excuse is a foundation used to build a house of failure. An alibi is worse and more troubling than a lie, because an alibi is a lie with other lies attached to it. Its been said that an excuse is a thin skin of falsehood stretched tightly over a bald-faced lie.
Nearly all failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses. When you are good at making excuses, its hard to excel at anything else. The book of proverbs says, “work brings profit; talk brings poverty.” Don’t make excuses, make progress. The truth is that there may be many reasons for failure but not a single excuse. Never let a challenge become an alibi. You have a choice: you can let the obstacle be an alibi or an opportunity. No alibi will ever support your purpose in life.
The person who really wants to do something finds a way; the other finds an excuse. Success is a matter of luck; just ask any failure. 

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