Sunday, July 3, 2016

Take the risk!

For many years, safety first has been the saying of the human race…. But it has never been the motto of a risk taker. A risk taker must face danger. He must take the risk, the blame and face the burnt of the storm. If you want to be successful, you must either have a chance or take one. You can’t get your head above water if you never stick your neck out.
Listen to Conrad Hilton: “I encourage boldness because the danger of seniority and pension plans tempt a young man to settle in a rut named security rather than find his own rainbow.” Chuck Yeager remarked, “You don’t concentrate on risk, you concentrate on result. No risk is too great to prevent the necessary job from getting done.
A dream that does not include risk is not really worthy of being called a dream. Halifax said, “The man who leaves nothing to chance will do few things badly, but he will do very few things.” If you never take risks, you will never accomplish great things. Everybody dies, but everyone has lived.

Elizabeth Kenny reflected, “it is better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life.” If you dare for nothing, you might as well hope for nothing. If you don’t risk anything, you risk even more. John Newman wrote, “Calculation never made a hero.” I agree with Lois Platford when she said, “You have all eternity to be cautious and then you’re dead.” Being destined for greatness requires you to take risks and confront great hazards
It is an irrefutable fact that you will always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. Morris West said, “If you spend your whole life inside waiting for the storms, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.” No one reaches the top without daring.
Whenever you see a successful person, I guarantee that person took risks and made courageous decisions. Become known for doing what people said couldn’t be done. Success always favors the gallant. David Mahoney said, “Refuse to join the cautious crowd that plays not to lose, play to win!”
Metastaisio observed, “Every noble acquisition is attended with its risk; he who fears to encounter the one must not expect to obtain the other,” if you have found yourself throughout life never scared, embarrassed, disappointed or hurt , it means you have never taken any risks.
You have an opportunity to improve yourself. If you want your life to get better, you will have to take risk. Now, get it clear that there is simply no way you can grow without taking chances. 
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